Battle of the Tanks!!!

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Battle of the Tanks!!!

Post by Khas » Mon May 17, 2010 12:28 am

So, here we pit StarCraft's Siege Tank vs. Star Fox's Landmaster in a tank duel. Which tank goes home the victor?

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Re: Battle of the Tanks!!!

Post by Mr. Oragahn » Mon May 17, 2010 6:36 am

Ah-ha! And I suppose that this Starfox tank can be gauged?

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Re: Battle of the Tanks!!!

Post by Khas » Mon May 17, 2010 1:16 pm

As far as I know, it has a laser cannon, smart bombs, and hovering capabilities. I think it might also have weak deflector shields.

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Re: Battle of the Tanks!!!

Post by Enterprise E » Mon May 17, 2010 11:36 pm

From what I remember from playing the games, it has the aforementioned lasers and smart bombs. Its deflector shields seem to be comparable to an Arwing's at least in terms of the damage it can take from the lasers of the enemy. However, I don't believe that we can quantify the power of the laser cannons of the Landmaster like we kind of possibly can with the Arwing. As such, I don't know if we can use the damage dealt by a ground unit as any indication of the Landmaster's durability since we don't know how its own shields or weapons compare to those of an Arwing's outside of multiplayer mode. I know for a fact that it does not have the barrel roll shields of the Arwing. It does, however, have two hover jets that allow it to hover or "jump" over dangerous terrain and grant it greater evasive abilities on the ground. As for the Siege Tank from StarCraft, I don't know any of its capabilities so I could not say who would win in this fight.

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Re: Battle of the Tanks!!!

Post by Khas » Tue May 18, 2010 12:34 am

The Siege Tank is a ground unit that can only attack other ground units. While great in tank mode, it really shines in Siege Mode, where it becomes essentially a giant artillery cannon. Great for defending bases or laying siege to enemies. However, when in siege mode, it has minimum range, meaning that if you get too close, it can't attack you. That is, if you manage to get close to the tank. Assuming real-world stuff would apply here, any air unit caught in the arc of the siege tank's shell would get hit, but alas, game mechanics :(.

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