Alucard and Alucard versus the USS Voyager

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Alucard and Alucard versus the USS Voyager

Post by Narsil » Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:53 pm

In one moment; the Enterprise's systems - save for life support - all shut down and all of the lights switch off. All weapons are replaced by melee weapons and ballistic weapons as appropriate. The systems will be restored upon the death or destruction of both Alucards.

Alucard #1 is the version from Hellsing, armed with both of his guns and all of his existing powers in 'normal' mode. He isn't allowed to go beyond 'normal' mode - or at the very least he isn't allowed to go all Lovecraftian.

Alucard #2 is the version from the Castlevania series, armed with his whip, glaive and whatever else he's armed with. He's allowed to use any of his powers as he sees fit. He is a lesser threat than the other Alucard, but a threat nonetheless.

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Post by Trinoya » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:49 am

If it is Voyager (per title) or Enterprise (D I assume) (per post), the answer is the same.

Someone goes onto the Delta Flyer or a Runabout and teleports them out into space, failing that, they blast their way out of the ship, locate the targets, teleport all of their people out of the area and blow open that area of the ship to space for the win.

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Post by Narsil » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:21 am

Considering that shuttles are considered part of a ship's normal systems, just a remote and detachable part of them... that doesn't necessarily work.

Either way; Hellsing's Alucard doesn't need to breathe, can fly, can walk through any solid object and can also teleport.

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Post by GStone » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:01 pm

Has Alucard 1 ever gone through anything like what a phaser does to stuff? I'm wondering how his regeneration would stand up against that.

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Post by Narsil » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:33 pm

Not that it matters, GStone
I, in the OP, wrote:All weapons are replaced by melee weapons and ballistic weapons as appropriate.

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Post by Trinoya » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:35 pm

I said nothing about shuttles. The Delta Flyer and the runabouts are separate independent craft capable of long range missions, furthermore, the flyer is anything BUT part of the normal 'systems' considering it was just added during their trip.

They are fully independent of the ships they are carried upon.

Failing that, just disable life support on whatever deck they are on... problem solved, even the un-dead can't deal with absolute zero temps, they freeze quite nicely.

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Post by Cpl Kendall » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:37 pm

Trinoya wrote:I said nothing about shuttles. The Delta Flyer and the runabouts are separate independent craft capable of long range missions, furthermore, the flyer is anything BUT part of the normal 'systems' considering it was just added during their trip.

They are fully independent of the ships they are carried upon.

Failing that, just disable life support on whatever deck they are on... problem solved, even the un-dead can't deal with absolute zero temps, they freeze quite nicely.
Runabouts and the Delta Flyer are just fancy shuttles. Considering they are carried aboard a starship.

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Post by Trinoya » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:59 pm

The Term "runabout" refers to a ship smaller than a 'starship' (a special designation in and of itself) but larger than a shuttle. Hell, runabouts even have jefferies tubes.

That said: The systems are still completely and totally independent, and run on their own warp core, and even though one could argue that the Delta Flyer is just 'a shuttle' as it is never given the designation runabout, it can not be ignored that the Delta Flyer IS NOT a normal system for any starship in starfleet, considering it was built with various borg technologies.

Removing a ships systems, no matter how hard you try to say other wise, does not render independent vessels from that ship inert. Sorry... Hell, one of the PRIMARY uses of axillary craft would be if the ship is rendered inert.

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Post by Cpl Kendall » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:02 pm

Who gives a damn, they've been specifically disabled for this scenario and your little semantics won't change that.

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Post by Trinoya » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:03 pm

First off, they weren't specifically disabled for the scenario, that was added AFTER the fact, second, I already defeated the scenario with out them. Case closed, the federation wins the day.

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Post by Cpl Kendall » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:08 pm

Trinoya wrote:First off, they weren't specifically disabled for the scenario, that was added AFTER the fact, second, I already defeated the scenario with out them. Case closed, the federation wins the day.
You obviously can't read then.

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Post by Trinoya » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:14 pm

You are obviously mistaken.
In one moment; the Enterprise's systems - save for life support - all shut down and all of the lights switch off. All weapons are replaced by melee weapons and ballistic weapons as appropriate. The systems will be restored upon the death or destruction of both Alucards.
There was no mention of 'shuttles' or 'runabouts' for that matter BOTH of which are clearly, per the show, independent of their ships. Or do those vehicles just magically stop working when ever the ship that they dock at looses power, gets stuck in a time warp, crashes into a planet? No, they don't.

All you are doing now is making yourself look bad, stop. Narsils scenario was too vague, he made the correction, I responded to it, then you have chosen to respond to what is now considered a moot point by both me and Narsil, thereby validating the arguments existence in the first place!

Maybe you could actually, I don't know, contribute to Narsils topic instead?

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Post by Cpl Kendall » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:22 pm

I meant this:
Either way; Hellsing's Alucard doesn't need to breathe, can fly, can walk through any solid object and can also teleport.
Which clearly renders your first option of:
Someone goes onto the Delta Flyer or a Runabout and teleports them out into space, failing that, they blast their way out of the ship, locate the targets, teleport all of their people out of the area and blow open that area of the ship to space for the win.
Rather moot.

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Post by Trinoya » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:37 pm

*yawn* tiring indeed...

It's great that he can 'teleport' and all, but it is completely useless to him AFTER he is exposed to space. The stresses on his form alone will pretty much do him in, even if he does 'teleport.'

Furthermore, the effective range of a transporter is 40,000 kilometers, bye bye, enjoy not being able to see where the hell we are.

Unless of course you want to try to argue that after he is teleported he knows his position in regards to the universe, and everyone elses exact position, and has a similar effective range, which I highly doubt, but just in case he does, and mind you, your validating the argument by arguing against it so I shall continue to use it, he gets to enjoy the wonderful world of pattern degradation, we simply don't let him out of the buffer... enjoy oblivion.

I doubt that Alucard could survive space, that is to say, until he stops being in space, he is rendered inert... being frozen does that do you. Regardless, he is off the ship.

Finally, failing all of that, and to prevent the ship from falling into an 'enemies' hand, I just detonate one of the, now nuclear bombs, in the torpedo bay, taking everyone out, more so once the antimatter in the warp core begins to react.

End of the day: Federation wins or no one wins.

I'll be the first to say in a straight up fight, with just phasers and a tricorder, on a backwater planet Alucard wins the day, but you're putting him on a ship that has other ships inside of it, with working transporters, or, at the very least, a ton of antimatter... Escape pods away, warp core breach in 5... 4... 3...

On a final note/edt: I shall now render the entire topic moot, thereby ending this discussion:

If I want to get really technical, and I do mean really technical, Alucard from hell sing is immortal, and therefore the entire scenario is moot as it never ends, no matter what anyone does, including Alucard.
The systems will be restored upon the death or destruction of both Alucards.
He is forever trapped on voyager, abandoned, alone, and unable to leave. As I said before, enjoy oblivion.

No matter what happens at the end of the day, Alucard never wins, he just looses slightly less, and frankly, I'd rather shoot myself in the head rather than spend eternity on voyager of all places.

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Post by GStone » Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:24 pm

Narsil wrote:Not that it matters, GStone
I, in the OP, wrote:All weapons are replaced by melee weapons and ballistic weapons as appropriate.
I was just wondering about certain limits of his healing ability, even if they weren't using phasers.

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