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Clone Wars CGI Series - No Letters Home (Pre-Release)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:56 am
by 2046
I'm working on making tech notes of the Clone Wars episodes.

Right now it's just a flat page, but I'm starting to think this might be better served by a database format with better tagging of events.

Ignoring that for the moment, however, I wanted to get a rough sense of what else I could do to improve it and what's missing. (I'm nowhere near done, obviously, and still have to peruse the Clone Wars CGI Series thread itself for stuff I might've missed.)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:38 pm
by l33telboi
Usually when I write something on this board I don't pay too much attention to how it looks grammatically and so, because I generally get the point across however I write stuff, but if I'm going to be quoted on a website, then the quote might as well be cleaned up a bit more so it becomes a bit more readable:

"All in all, you'll be hard pressed to get the incident beyond the terajoule range (more likely either double-digit gigajoule or triple-digit gigajoule). But yes, this is generally higher then what we see in visual Sci-fi. Momentum is a little more impressive, but then again this episode shows us that it's not momentum that's the problem but the kinetic energy. Why project shields double-front if the shield generator is the weak link?"

Change to:

"All in all, you would be hard pressed to get the energy involved in this incident beyond the terajoule range (more likely it would be either in the double-digit gigajoule or triple-digit gigajoule range). However, in terms of capitalships withstanding impacts from solid objects, this is more impressive then what we usually see in visual Sci-fi. It’s also worth noting that when it comes to high mass and low velocity impacts like this, momentum becomes an issue. But on the other hand the episode also shows us that it's not the momentum that causes the problem, but rather the kinetic energy. Why project shields double-front if the shield generator and its capacity to deal with momentum is the weak link?"

Actually, if you don't mind, I have some other input as well. Perhaps I could take some of the work of your hands in regards to this project?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:06 pm
by ILikeDeathNote
Why the title "No Letters Home?" Just curious, as most people would probably go no further than "SW TCW Technical Analysis."

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:04 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
ILikeDeathNote wrote:Why the title "No Letters Home?" Just curious, as most people would probably go no further than "SW TCW Technical Analysis."
His choice, but it's not intuitive.

Shouldn't this be in "other websites"?

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:56 am
by 2046
ILikeDeathNote wrote:Why the title "No Letters Home?" Just curious, as most people would probably go no further than "SW TCW Technical Analysis."
It was a thought that occurred to me and I rather liked the sound of it in context. After all, the war is primarily between purpose-bred test tube clones, constructed war automatons, and the quasi-orphan masters of both. Commanding one group are Jedi, who are taken from their homes as infants. Commanding the other side is former Jedi Dooku. Playing as head of both sides we have Palpatine, who killed his master and presumable father figure.

Thus very few combatants would have a home and hearth to yearn for, or a family to write to and miss. Compared to other fictional wars, that leaves the feeling of something strangely soulless about this one. And yet at the same time, that makes it all the sadder.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:36 am
by 2046
l33telboi wrote:Actually, if you don't mind, I have some other input as well. Perhaps I could take some of the work of your hands in regards to this project?
I'm open to suggestions.

I've considered a specific-purpose wiki, a separate site altogether running a content management system that others like yourself could log into ( . . . we'll be famous), or similar off-the-wall ideas.

At the very least I need to tag the different paragraphs more effectively, since right now it reads like cut-and-pasted blog and board posts of mine (which, of course, it basically is).

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:06 am
by Mike DiCenso
On the subject of Wild Space mentioned in the TCW: it might be well to mention that there is also a Wild Space in the EU, which is likely where this name and concept come from. It was a frontier region of space seperating the known parts of the SW galaxy from the completely unexplored Unknown Regions. The primary difference here seems to be that the TCW Wild Space appears to have been opened up long before the EU claims that it was set up as one of Palpatine's last acts.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:12 am
by ILikeDeathNote
2046 wrote:
ILikeDeathNote wrote:Why the title "No Letters Home?" Just curious, as most people would probably go no further than "SW TCW Technical Analysis."
It was a thought that occurred to me and I rather liked the sound of it in context. After all, the war is primarily between purpose-bred test tube clones, constructed war automatons, and the quasi-orphan masters of both. Commanding one group are Jedi, who are taken from their homes as infants. Commanding the other side is former Jedi Dooku. Playing as head of both sides we have Palpatine, who killed his master and presumable father figure.

Thus very few combatants would have a home and hearth to yearn for, or a family to write to and miss. Compared to other fictional wars, that leaves the feeling of something strangely soulless about this one. And yet at the same time, that makes it all the sadder.
Well, I suppose that's a rather odd way of thinking, given how this isn't something dwelled upon beyond Anakin, at least in the canon material.

Of course I can only speak for me, but I would've just gone with, well, SW TCW Technical Analysis, perhaps even using those abbreviations, but once again, that's just me, and I don't mean to impose this on you. In fact the only reason why I mention it is because I'm sleepy and I really need sleep and I'm just rambling :p

But I typically save those kinds of titles for more creative works, which reminds me, I think I shall reserve the right to gank that title from you for whatever purpose I choose :D

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:38 am
by 2046
Actually I guess this should be moved to "other websites", you're right. Sorry JMS.

To get to the site itself . . . well, I've gone and done it now.

Check out . . .

The only thing left at this point (besides analyzing the whole frickin' season of the Clone Wars) is to put consistent headers over each topical observation . . . e.g. "Turbolaser Firepower" or "Weapons Range" or "Hull / Armor Strength". That'll make it pretty easy to search.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:20 am
by l33telboi
The side-bar seriously messes up the look of the page in Explorer, the actual text on the main page is hidden beneath it.

Also, I brought it up on SB, to see what the people there think of it.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:51 am
by 2046
l33telboi wrote:The side-bar seriously messes up the look of the page in Explorer, the actual text on the main page is hidden beneath it.

Also, I brought it up on SB, to see what the people there think of it.
Oh hell.

I don't use IE so I assumed it was showing up correctly for it like it was in the others. My bad. But ya coulda given me a chance to fix it before spreading it around. Not that it was even close to ready yet. :P

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:44 pm
by l33telboi
2046 wrote:Oh hell.

I don't use IE so I assumed it was showing up correctly for it like it was in the others. My bad. But ya coulda given me a chance to fix it before spreading it around. Not that it was even close to ready yet. :P
I don't think there's much to worry about in regards to it being a WIP, I made specific mentions that it is as much.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:40 am
by Mike DiCenso
Sadly I think Enosh has largely hit the nail on the head:

"I have to say the Clone wars cartoon realy brought some new life to the ST vs SW debate, last year it was basicly dead, but now it got quite popular again.

well the problem is that St fans are baiscly pointing out each little incosistency betwen the cartoon and ICS, even taking it out of context if they have too, while SW fans are going "lalalalala, can't hear you can't hear you, ICS 4 evar!"

Although I don't know what this "out of context" thing is about. How are the inconsistancies pointed out so far done in an out of context way?

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:20 pm
by Enosh
tbh I didn't realy look over the "no letter home" page much to find anything taken out of context, will do it when i have some more time, I just wanted to make the post more or less balanced for it to not look too biased to any side

yeah hy there, been reading here for quite a while (this is where my comment on SB came from that i swear I read the same review somewhere already), never bothered to register till now^^

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:18 pm
by 2046
Most of the movie notes are unchanged from posts made (here or on the ST-v-SW.Net blog) just after my initial viewings of the film in theaters, and most episode notes are basically copied from my posts here. So yes, much to do.

I'm also still pondering what to do with it. On the one hand I'm quite fond of just doing it ... it's a project of some size, and though I lack spare time it is something that can be done in small bits with instant results, unlike the monstrous ST-v-SW.Net projects I usually make for myself.

On the other hand, with offers like l33telboi's I ponder whether a cooperative or community venture is more appropriate.

The current site is geared toward myself and perhaps 1-2 possible other contributors with the system as designed, though I might be able to expand that.

But if I made it a community venture I'd feel like I was stealing JMS's wiki thunder, as it were. Indeed, at that point I'd probably just want to make it a wiki, or point to a certain area of SFJ's wiki made for the purpose.

My next thought at that point, however, is one of editorial control and methodology, especially in regards to egos. If there's a firm and clear conclusion per all the Vs. methods that some contributor(s) actively disagrees with, there is room for discussion and for opposing views to appear in the text to an extent, but eventually the counterclaim must be dismissed. And then somebody gets pissy, and there's frustration and such. Bleh.

I'm still pondering. Watch this space. Feel free to provide your valuable opinion, JMS.