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Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:53 pm
by sonofccn
Paradise Syndrome {TOS} wrote:SPOCK: Doctor, that asteroid is almost as large as your Earth's moon. Far enough away, the angle necessary to divert it enough to avoid destruction is minute, but as the asteroid approaches this planet, the angle becomes so great that even the power of a starship

So straight off the bat we are talking about a fairly large plantary body. JMS has suggested the scaling doesn't quite match up, only about half the stated value IIRC through I may be wrong, but regardless the rock is big.

As for Deja Q we have this:
Deja Q {TNG} wrote:RIKER
Couldn't we just blow it into
harmless chunks?

The total mass of the moon would
remain the same, Commander. And
the impact of thousands of
fragments would spread destruction
over an even wider area.
Blasting the moon to rubble was not an issue, keeping the splintering debris from raining down was. Just having fun, plugging out moon's diameter, I didn't see anything regardings size in my look through and this is just for fun, into Wong's asteriod calculator it spits out 4.200E+7 gigatons or 42000000 gigatons if I remember my old scientific notation for fragmentation. Divid by 29 hours, how long until they estimated the moon would crash, and get 1448275 gigatons or 1448 teratons or about a 1 PT per hour. Stir in some stock phrases like "lower limit, conservative" and that " it could have taken them less than 29 hours" and presto your done.
It's mostlikely a VFX screw up. Trek loves to show things moving slower then they are, and how do we the object was just a peace of debree?
So we see a bit of debris strike the Enterprise and subsequently, while in a heated battle, we hear their shields have dropped to X and he concludes it must be because of the "shrapnel"? Well than does he also accept that those were shield globes that got straffed in ROTJ right before the SSD lost its shields?
Lucky wrote:The Doom's Day machine was using DET.

The Death Star as high as G-canon is technobabble.
I'm curious how he knows this was a "slow" process. The only record of anyone screaming comes from Commodore Decker who was hardly in his right mind. We never hear how long the screams lasted, could have been minutes could have been only a few seconds forever echoing inside a broken's captain's mind. And of course the DS uses DET so its BETTER! argument since compared to Trek and the myraid of doomsday weapons created by accident that could fit in your broom closet the Death Star looks overly complex and costly. Lord help them if Lord Garth had ever shown up with his planet busting bomb the size of a wine bottle.
Lucky wrote:And yet the weapon was meant to be used on ships in space. It doesn't matter how silly it sound, it happened in the series.
Well hypermatter, FTL, turbolasers, phasers etc are silly and could never work but we press on. One should always note the basic science flub but this is television we're talking about not a detailed science lecture.
This is Pegasus again isn't it? The asteriod that Riker want to at least vaporize.
Well he wanted to remove all traces of the starship Pegasus but yes there is likely to be much ineffiecent waste of vaporizing the asteriod, 9KM I think in size, plus Riker has to do it before the Romulans swoop in and have a chance to meddle so this is a very off the cuff, rushed job as opposed to a careful and efficent strike. I don't think it supports PT scale weapnry if that is what your trying to push through.
The fact it used the Tech manuals as sources is enough reason to ignore it. They are the same as N-canon material in Star Wars, and phasers do do collateral damage.
Indeed Spock was injured via proximity in Omega Glory {TOS}. Phasers produce smoke and vapor from time to time, burns as well as thier destructive capability is generaly tied to conventially heating. Such as this from that which survives.
KIRK: There are no good ways, Sulu.
(Kirk phasers the ground, but it only cuts a shallow trench in the soil.)
SULU: That's the same red rock.
KIRK: My phaser didn't cut through it.
MCCOY: Whatever it is, it has a mighty high melting point.
KIRK: Eight thousand degrees centigrade. It looks like igneous rock, but infinitely denser.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:15 pm
by Praeothmin
Using SW movies only:
-Ships "supposedly" able to resist GT/TT energy have to destroy incoming asteroids less than 40 meters in diameter to be safe...
-A 100 meter asteroid, impacting in the double-digit KT destroys the bridge tower of one such ship in TESB...
-Imperial walkers barely make holes in the ground when attacking Rebels on Hoth, even more powerful shots don't make a huge fireball...
-Geonosis battle, firing missles and weapons in the hundreds of tons would have saved a lot of Clone lives, yet were never used...
-"Supposed" GT shots were needed to take down the Sphere ships of the Trade Federation, yet the atmosphere never shows any GT type effects...
-RotJ, ships capable of withstanding GT impacts are taken down by a lone fighter going through the bridge of an SSD...

Etc, etc, etc...

Why keep arguing with these guys?
They "ignore" facts that don't agree with them, they "forget" that context is important when discussing a ST figure, but suddenly remember it when excusing SW low showings...
Basically, they are dishonest, and you should not waste your time debating them...

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:03 pm
by Jedi Master Spock
sonofccn wrote:
Paradise Syndrome {TOS} wrote:SPOCK: Doctor, that asteroid is almost as large as your Earth's moon. Far enough away, the angle necessary to divert it enough to avoid destruction is minute, but as the asteroid approaches this planet, the angle becomes so great that even the power of a starship

So straight off the bat we are talking about a fairly large plantary body. JMS has suggested the scaling doesn't quite match up, only about half the stated value IIRC through I may be wrong, but regardless the rock is big.
The big problem with the asteroid in "The Paradise Syndrome" is that it's not spherical. This is a little bit of an issue, since irregular bodies tend not to be all that large. If anything, the new remastered asteroid is even more oblong than the original.

The dialogue couldn't be clearer, but the visuals are problematic. Taking both the dialogue and visuals to be correct requires a rather generous interpretation of "almost," an unnoticed re-sizing of Earth's moon (perhaps the Xindi shrank it?), or a fairly exotic structure / formation history of the asteroid in question, the latter of which calls into question any yield estimates based on actual effect.
As for Deja Q we have this:
Deja Q {TNG} wrote:RIKER
Couldn't we just blow it into
harmless chunks?

The total mass of the moon would
remain the same, Commander. And
the impact of thousands of
fragments would spread destruction
over an even wider area.
Blasting the moon to rubble was not an issue, keeping the splintering debris from raining down was. Just having fun, plugging out moon's diameter, I didn't see anything regardings size in my look through and this is just for fun, into Wong's asteriod calculator it spits out 4.200E+7 gigatons or 42000000 gigatons if I remember my old scientific notation for fragmentation. Divid by 29 hours, how long until they estimated the moon would crash, and get 1448275 gigatons or 1448 teratons or about a 1 PT per hour. Stir in some stock phrases like "lower limit, conservative" and that " it could have taken them less than 29 hours" and presto your done.
Well, it's too bad we actually have a good idea of how big the Bre'el moon ought to be based on the combination of its tidal and impact effects.

Tidal effects suggest e18-e19 kg; impact effects suggest e(16 +/- 1) based on a comparatively low speed; since many of our assumptions are tied to the size, mass, and composition of Bre'el IV, its atmosphere, and its oceans, along with the geology of the impact site in particular, we should shoot for something in the e17-e18 kg range - that is to say, about 1/100,000th the size of Earth's moon.
This is Pegasus again isn't it? The asteriod that Riker want to at least vaporize.
Well he wanted to remove all traces of the starship Pegasus but yes there is likely to be much ineffiecent waste of vaporizing the asteriod, 9KM I think in size, plus Riker has to do it before the Romulans swoop in and have a chance to meddle so this is a very off the cuff, rushed job as opposed to a careful and efficent strike. I don't think it supports PT scale weapnry if that is what your trying to push through.
Pegasus is a very loose event IMO. 9 km is the lower end of scalings from the visuals, IIRC, but we've seen that starship hulls are very tough. Riker does have to insure destruction of a vessel in the interior of a highly irregular asteroid with numerous internal chambers venting to the outside directly, and it's not going to be a very efficient process.
Lucky wrote:
Rama Post 573 wrote: Sans the fact that every instance in which the Federation were incapable of vaporizing asteroids without significant amounts of energy being involved even for them such as in Pegasus, Deja Q and The Paradise Syndrome, one instance in which a torpedo with an increased yield (by 11%) barely fractured the asteroid it impacted in Genesis (let alone turning the entire nearby field to vapor), that the E-D could not destroy an asteroid with a dense iron core even with several subsequent following torpedoes in Cost of Living, that the E-D had to supplement the aid of a minor solar prominence to destroy a vessel that their weapons were utterly useless against in Descent, part II, similarly three Dominion attack craft are destroyed whilst sitting on the leading edge of a CME during the episode Shadows and Symbols, that Voyager was forced to ground herself when under attack from Turien weapons that generated barely gigajoule range blasts when used in atmosphere during the episode Dragon's Teeth. Then there's the fact that we see one Bajoran Raider and two Interceptors dog fighting over the surface of a planet in The Siege.
Pegasus: involved a magic asteroid that had gravitational and magnetic fields more hazardous then a star, and Riker a guy known for seemingly not knowing what his ship can do and underestimating it wanted to remove any sign the Pegasus was ever there as fast a possible. That tells us logically anything, but a high end interpretation of what Riker intend is out of the question, and that implies gigatons if the asteriod was mundane which it was not.
I mentioned TPS already; the "Cost of Living" asteroid is actually large enough that the photon torpedoes disappear before hitting it, which makes it rather larger than the "Rise" asteroid at a minimum. It actually seems to be rather large, and is mostly destroyed, the remainder surviving due to Treknobabble construction. "Nitrium" is not iron.

It's rather odd that Rama says that the Federation is incapable of vaporizing asteroids when most episodes indicate clearly that "normal" asteroids - ones not made of Treknobabble materials - would be destroyed easily.
Dragon's Teeth What are the properties of Turien weapons?
It's Turei, not Turien. The yield is not stated. Some key lines:
TUVOK: They are targeting our shields with a resonance pulse. It's altering the harmonics. We're being pushed out of the corridor.


PARIS: Direct hit. Our warp drive is offline.
TUVOK: Shields down to eighty two percent. Sixty percent.
PARIS: They're closing.
CHAKOTAY: We could use some clever suggestions about now.
SEVEN: There's a planet eight million kilometres ahead, uninhabited but the atmosphere is charged with radiogenic particles.
CHAKOTAY: How radiogenic?
SEVEN: Three thousand isorems.
CHAKOTAY: If we route enough power to the shields we can survive in that, but maybe our friends can't.
TUVOK: Shields at fifty three percent.

As we see, the Turei used a shield-altering weapon, and the Turei managed to disable the warp drive shooting through the shields. In response, Voyager goes to a hostile environment. It's as if Rama hasn't actually seen the episode, merely read a summary of it on SDN.
What is Rama talking about? I don't think I have heard of the episode before.

So how much energy would hit the ship at the safe distances in Allegiances, and is there anything odd about it?
"Allegiance" gives a pulsar:

PICARD 2: What do we know about that pulsar?
DATA: A great deal, sir. It is a rotating neutron star of approximately four point three five six solar masses.

Unfortunately, pulsars come in a wide variety of flavors. Not only does he have the episode name slightly off ("Allegiance" not "Allegiances"), but he has the distance entirely wrong. It's 20 million kilometres that is cited as dangerous:
PICARD 2: Helm take us in to twenty million kilometres.
WESLEY: Aye, sir.
RIKER: Mister Worf, divert enough power to the shields to offset the increased radiation and magnetic fields.
DATA: Sir, at twenty million kilometres, our shields will only be effective for eighteen minutes.
PICARD 2: Noted, Mister Data.

Neutron stars can be rather intensely bright.
Rama Post 573 wrote: a 90 isoton explosive only manages to explosively fracture the asteroid it is planted on in Time to Stand, rather than outright vaporizing it in milliseconds, or the crew using their own weapons to vaporize the asteroid itself.
And what is this astroid made of that lets it survive things warships can't? The Defiant had to be 800 kilometers from the blast.
It really is as if Rama hasn't seen the epsiode and is only reading the SDN spin of it third-hand.
Rama Post 573 wrote: We then also have the Federation fleet forced to turn the defense turrets surrounding Chintoka on their own buried generator in Tears of the Prophets. These are weapons that have been seen gutting Galaxy-class warships during the battle, and yet their own weapons barely even pound sections of the rocky surface.
So they had to exploit a weakness in a shield to destroy it. That speaks well of the shield, but says little about UFP capabilities.
Once the shields went down, the asteroid went up in a blinding flash of incandescent light.

The problem is that the asteroid was shielded very heavily. Once again, it's as if Rama hadn't seen the episode at all.
Rama Post 573 wrote: There's also the fact that the only known Starship power generation figures we have for the Warp Core (10E12 and 10E18 watts respectively) are nine orders of magnitude away from making exaton level power levels (10E27) anywhere near realistic at a minimum, and fifteen orders of magnitude at a maximum interpretation of the quote.
The only known power generation figures for a starship are not for it's maximum output, but for when it is just sitting in orbit.
Maximum output isn't going to be more than e21W. e12W is frankly impossible given what the E-D does on a regular basis, so it's a little silly to even bring it up, but it is actually mentioned in dialogue.
Rama Post 573 wrote: That's so cute! Look at you trying to use real-world science, and fail at doing so!

Here's a hint genius. Look up inverse-square law, which states that whatever energy is transmitted omni-directionally in her totality, only a fraction is going to be absorbed into the surface area of a smaller object at a greater distance.

Which means that if a main-sequence star going nova has a surface area of 6.08E12 km^2, and Voyager has a surface area of 0.103 km^2, the surface of Voyager will only absorb 1.69E-12% (or 0.00000000000169%) of the total energy of the supernova. Which is still quite a lot of energy, but still never actually happened.
Why do I have the feeling Rama is missing something?
Right, he's avoiding actually doing a simple multiplication step that maxes him look silly. The conventional part of supernova explosion is an e44 joule wave of hot matter. 1.7e-14 * e44 = 2e30 joules.

Et cetera. I could go on; but I won't. The basic upshot is that Rama is exhibiting total unfamiliarity with the episodes being referenced (not surprising; Rama seems to hate Star Trek), and isn't actually following through on the math when it counts. The result is severe misrepresentation of the evidence.
Cpl Facehugger wrote:Slayer, can the trolling. Rama has pretty conclusively demolished your points, so saying "But all those examples you cited that disprove my claims are wrong, as shown by this one outlier event that never actually happened" is poor conduct.

Thank you for your cooperation.
And, of course, disputing this rather cruddy argument - which included several screens of copypasta from Wong's website, to boot - is "trolling."

The outliers here are the handful of references that Rama has managed to described reasonably accurately.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:41 pm
by Lucky
Zastava Post 588 wrote:It is actually about 56-64 megatons going by the technical manual.
Dr.Strangelove Post 588 wrote: Too bad those aren't canon. I was refering to the incident in question
I have to agree with the good doctor on this. It's a good thing the Techmanuals are not canon because they contradict the episodes, and often give lower numbers then the TV show.
Dr.Strangelove Post 588 wrote: Tells us all we need to know 800GW equals no shields and hull damage
Since Dr.Strangelove brought up numbers, but no context, but one of them I'm guessing is from Survivors. "Survivors" The reverent parts are in Star at 7:25 ... r_embedded#!

And the The Husnock ship appears at about 5:00.

5:30 they start to put the peaces together that something is off as picard already knows about Troi being under telepathic attack.

7:32 Picard seems to realize Kevin is trying to chase them off.

Husnock ship returns at 5:26.

At 6:00 we see VFX that are never seen before or after, and that implies that the weapon is not imply a DET weapon.

6:45 Picard at least has figured out what is going on.

The fourth and fith blasts we are not told how powerful they are.

Stating numbers but no context should be a ban able offense.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:34 am
by Lucky Post: 590 wrote: Ah, yes, Skink of Evil where they were targeting a shuttle craft. Which is powered by antimatter IIRC. A shuttle craft, which is powered by antimatter, being destroyed by a torpedo will on a planet. Do you know how much antimatter was on the shuttle?
Where are we told what power source shuttles are powered with? I thought shuttles were powered by fusion.

Aren't shuttles made out of the same superalloys as the ships they belong to? Post: 591 wrote: For 500 Mt, watch "Skin of Evil". And Acclamator causing 8 million casualties? Hell, that thing does not even have any weapons.
Picard might want to link to this Spacebattles thread. Post: 591 wrote: I'm not anti anithing, I just take evidence from canon.
You might want to ask him to back up his claims Picard. Star Wars does tend to use the spray and pray method for ship to ship combat, and Trek often shoots one gun at a time. Post: 591 wrote: I'm not anti anithing, I just take evidence from canon.
ricrery1 is known for using what ever it takes to get the yields he wants, and has argued the real world results are wrong.

Don't both of these calcuation say megatons? Post: 591 wrote: GCS weapons output is in TW range at least. What you are referring is from "Survivors", right? How you know it wasn't some kind of technobabble that allowed it to lower shields with that much energy? Plus guy creating that illusion was basically God.
It was technobabble.

Here is Survivors if you want to check. ... r_embedded#! Post: 591 wrote: But are we to conclude that they cannot fight at long range, or will not, even if that will help?
Picard you may want to point out that 500 meters is considered dangerously close for combat by Federation forces. Post: 594 wrote: That doesn't change anything significantly, for your information. A 500 megaton explosion would have a persistent fireball. A couple of kilotons is more like it for SoE.
Maybe if we were dealing with a mundane target. While the shuttle was to be destroyed, and black oil thing would have tried to protect the shuttle. Post: 594 wrote: Based off the rough dimensions, it would take 183 megatons to shatter, or 730 kilotons (or 2.93 megatons) for one photon torpedo.
It's to bad shattering the asteroid the Pegasus was in would have not been enough to ensure all of the Pegasus was destroyed beyond the point of being recognizable as a ship like Riker intended. Post: wrote: Okay there are several problems with this, starting with the fact that the Ep. III novelization doesn't specify which turbolasers, but I guess they had to be heavy turbolasers, right?
Given they rarely care if they fire light, medium, or heavy guns there can't be a huge difference, and you would expect to see the big guns the best. Post: 595 wrote: Actually they are, they were re canonised by a statement some time in 2006. That was mainly because the TM's were directly used by the shows writers.
The Tech manuals say they are unreliable sources of information, and the only credible source is the TV shows.
StarTrek The Next Generation Technical Manual Authors' Introduction Page: VII wrote: An important word of caution: All Starfleet personnel are hereby advised that any previous technical documentation in your possession may be suspect because of an ongoing Starfleet program of disinformation intended to confound and confuse the intelligence assets of potential forces. Such documents should therefore be verified with Federation archives, and this manual for authenticity.
Wow, JC and I are in agreement.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:36 am
by Mr. Oragahn
Jedi Master Spock wrote:Pegasus is a very loose event IMO. 9 km is the lower end of scalings from the visuals, IIRC, but we've seen that starship hulls are very tough. Riker does have to insure destruction of a vessel in the interior of a highly irregular asteroid with numerous internal chambers venting to the outside directly, and it's not going to be a very efficient process.
This is the most accurate scaling of the Pegasus asteroid I've seen thus far. I checked it, and we find the details on the asteroid surface that allow us to scale the E-D against the asteroid.
Round this to 9 km long.
Shorter or longer scalings are bound to be erroneous, if only for the importance of considering the grainy level of detail of the asteroid's surface.

But the biggest mistake that's generally made by some warsies and others is to think that Riker said nearly all torps would be necessary. He just said "most" of them, which is just above half the load (high end yield /torp), up to all of them (low end).
I mentioned TPS already; the "Cost of Living" asteroid is actually large enough that the photon torpedoes disappear before hitting it, which makes it rather larger than the "Rise" asteroid at a minimum. It actually seems to be rather large, and is mostly destroyed, the remainder surviving due to Treknobabble construction. "Nitrium" is not iron.
I beg to disagree. The torps seem to disappear, but what we can see in this case is that their glow didn't grow for all we can prove, and we also see how fast they moved, since we see the first torp move below the saucer towards the right of the screen, which with a proper fbf analysis, would allow us to know how fast they moved, and therefore get an idea of how truly big that asteroid could be: in the next sequence, we see the two torps moving towards the asteroid and hitting it. Between the moment the first torp appears, to the impact of the second one, there's just above one second gone. Something tells me that if the asteroid had truly been that many kilometers long, it would have filled much more of the screen.
It really is as if Rama hasn't seen the epsiode and is only reading the SDN spin of it third-hand.
The problem is that the asteroid didn't blow outright, but suffered a chain reaction. So in light of this fact, it's safer to consider that it's the asteroid itself, the base and whatever it contained as fuel for power, that represented the biggest problem, and O'Brien simply accounted for that, even if it's a very disgracious way of butchering what the script obviously meant.
With what truly went on, it's hard to consider that 800 km was the damage radius of the containers themselves (900 km was Sisko's estimation).
Not only it's beyond what antimatter would be worth of (900 km, that's a surface area in the e13 square meter range, and we're talking about ships which can deal with at least one blast starting at least in the mid to high kilotons), and the Bug actually survived the explosion while considerably closer.
At least one of the explosives went off earlier than planned, but we easily saw that it contained nowhere the energy that would have begun to threaten a Jemmie Bug over 900,000 meters. That alone rejects the usual opposition of visuals against script, because it's clear from the script that the ship is close from the base

It also appears similar, in a way, to what happened to the big asteroid during the Chintoka battle. Chintoka's little moon hosted a shield projector and a massive power source. That turned most of the asteroid into fine glowy dust the moment it blew up.
Besides, the Dominion weapons didn't cause that much damage to the asteroid's surface.
Cpl Facehugger wrote: Slayer, can the trolling. Rama has pretty conclusively demolished your points, so saying "But all those examples you cited that disprove my claims are wrong, as shown by this one outlier event that never actually happened" is poor conduct.

Thank you for your cooperation.
And, of course, disputing this rather cruddy argument - which included several screens of copypasta from Wong's website, to boot - is "trolling."

The outliers here are the handful of references that Rama has managed to described reasonably accurately.
Well, I don't agree with Slayer on several points, but I'd wish Cpl_Facehugger had been able to see the errors in Rama's arguments with the same degree of accuracy.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:26 am
by sonofccn
JMS wrote:The big problem with the asteroid in "The Paradise Syndrome" is that it's not spherical. This is a little bit of an issue, since irregular bodies tend not to be all that large. If anything, the new remastered asteroid is even more oblong than the original.
Would you believe its a stale space potatoe? :) But yes I do see your point.
JMS wrote:Well, it's too bad we actually have a good idea of how big the Bre'el moon ought to be based on the combination of its tidal and impact effects.
Aw...there you go taking all my fun.;-)

I wouldn't say too bad, through the look on the debater pushing low yield might have been good, since the work was sloppy, fast and geared towards the biggest number one could crank out.

Even going by sane and logical standards however its still a rather hefty rock and doesn't "look bad" that the Enterprise D can't simply vaporize the whole thing to a dust cloud.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:46 pm
by Nowhereman10
Ya know, looking over this Rama fellow's stuff, I honestly can't distinguish him from the likes of the people debating me over on YouTube, both in style and in exactly what they say. Seriously, my suspicion is these people are cutting and pasting over and over from the same source (probably SDN summaries, like JMS is says), or they're all the same person, just jumping from one website to another.

I know I may get clobbered by the mods here for saying this, but I seriously think this is a bunch of kids, semi-losely organized, going around rabidly defending the faith from the infidels. I noticed that when I debate with them on YouTube, I'll argue with one, like Nanoforge first, then someone called Amann0407 (whom I've challenged to come and debate me here so we're not hampered by the limits to the number of characters we can type in the commentary spaces, but has failed to show), then he disappears completely, and is replaced in short order by someone named "iherduliekthem" who claims never to have been to, despite his using arguements right out off there as well as SDN.

But the more I read of these guys like Rama in this SBC thread, the more I have to wonder. Ya know what I mean?

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:47 pm
by Praeothmin
Nowhereman10, saying the guys behave like kids is not in itself an insult.
You are describing their behavior using analogies.
Saying: "These guys are a bunch of fu***** morons" is an insult, and would warrant a warning...

And as for your comment, we pretty much all feel the same way... :)

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:53 am
by Lucky
I'd like to see the good doctor's scalings, and calculations, or more precisely have someone like Mr.O and JMS look them over. I'm not all that good at math.

Dr.Strangelove Post: 600 wrote: Worf wasn't laughed off the bridge for suggesting 400GW weapons dropped shield
Given the good doctor has never seemed to actual watch all of the Episode Survivors I guess he would not know that
1) the shields were not brought down in a normal fashion implying some anti-shield attack rather then DET. That makes the numbers meaningless you can't blast your way through distorted space/time.. It's like saying that if you make a light source powerful enough light can escape a black hole.

2) The Enterprise's crew was clearly thinking that they were dealing with something akin to an R.O.B. like a Q.

That isn't a source.

Dr.Strangelove Post: 600 wrote: Given the difference in lower limits, I'd say yours are worse
Does he realize Federation shields are gravity plus other stuff?

Dr.Strangelove Post: 600 wrote: Except when the shots were fired no one had any idea the ship was an illusion. Yet no one sent Worf to sick bay to get his head examined when he reports 800GW have dropped shields and damaged the hull
Has Strangelove bothered to watch the Survivors, or does he just take flawed second hand accounts of the episode? ... r_embedded#
Dr.Strangelove Post: 600 wrote: Problem is they don't fight at long range when it would help them. They demonstrate an overwhelming preference to fight at short range for one reason or another
The problem is that visuals are unreliable for Star trek. Ships seem to magically change size and design all the time for not reason

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:59 pm
by Mike DiCenso
Lucky wrote:The Doom's Day machine was using DET.

The Death Star as high as G-canon is technobabble..
sonofccn wrote:I'm curious how he knows this was a "slow" process. The only record of anyone screaming comes from Commodore Decker who was hardly in his right mind. We never hear how long the screams lasted, could have been minutes could have been only a few seconds forever echoing inside a broken's captain's mind. And of course the DS uses DET so its BETTER! argument since compared to Trek and the myraid of doomsday weapons created by accident that could fit in your broom closet the Death Star looks overly complex and costly. Lord help them if Lord Garth had ever shown up with his planet busting bomb the size of a wine bottle.
It's possible that he's refering to this line from Decker:

"Don't you think I know that? There was, but not anymore. They called me. They begged me for help, four hundred of them. I couldn't. I couldn't."

This really say nothing, other than the stranded crew knew that the Planet Killer was coming for them. Earlier we heard Decker's log entry play back:

"Captain's log, stardate 4202.1. Exceptionally heavy subspace interference still prevents our contacting Starfleet to inform them of the destroyed solar systems we have encountered. We are now entering system L-374. Science Officer Masada reports the fourth planet seems to be breaking up. We are going to investigate."

The fourth planet was observed breaking up from a distance, which probably means that the PK does take more than a few seconds to destroy a planet, and it is described as "slicing out chunks", though we have no idea exactly how big these chunks are. One thing we do know, from the time the Constellation's crew was killed on the third planet to when the Enterprise arrived could not have been more than a few days at most given that Decker was sitting in a state of total catatonic shock that whole time in the auxiliary control room with probably little in the way of food or water. Decker also had a light growth of beard, which again constrains the time to a few days tops.

So based on that information alone, the PK cannot take any longer than 2-5 days to accomplish the destruction of an Earth-like planet. Probably realistically no more than a matter of minutes as the PK was first spotted slicing up the fourth planet, and I serious doubt that the Constellation took days to go into system L-375 when her sister ship Enterprise took only minutes to enter the same once it sighted the wrecked and derelict Constellation herself later on.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:48 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
A pity the remastered TOS couldn't show us the DDM precisely taking a piece of a planet.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:57 pm
by Mike DiCenso
Unfortunately, given the limitations of the story narrative, it would not have been possible. All the planet destruction was done long before the episode even starts, and there was no reason for the PK to destroy another planet in system L-375 since it had plenty of debris to feed on from the 3rd and 4th planets.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:01 pm
by Lucky
Is this normal for General Schatten when it comes to debates?
Being a bit of a nit picker. They are very large guns that should be easily seen.

General Schatten Post: 619 wrote: Second they clearly do, the picture you shows them even. The ones closest to the screen relatively are hard to make out since they're in the shadow of the bridge structure and your blinking yellow doesn't making it any easier. On the other side you can make out the silhouette against the hull. If you need more refer to the scan of the ICS page, note the position of the guns and look here. See the part where the slop from the raised part of the hull (the part the bridge structure extend from) begins to slope down toward the rest of the hull? Look to the aft. Guns. ... r_Teth.jpg
What guns is he talking about? I don't see three quad turbolasers on either side of the bridge tower.

Why would it matter if there are guns? The only ships the ICS show are those in the movies according to the covers, and that is from SW:TCW. Does he know that?

General Schatten Post: 619 wrote: Either you're deliberately lying or you're not even doing the most cursory of research. Though I'm betting a little of column A and a little of column B.
He's not serious, right? The links don't seem to me to show what he seems to be claiming.

Re: Galactic Empire vs Federation of Planets @ Spacebattles

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:13 am
by Mr. Oragahn
He needs new eyes I say.
Just remember that it's fine for GS to be provocative in such threads, and he often gets free passes despite his mediocre behaviour.