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ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:54 pm
by Khas
We've got ICSers and Fivers pouring in! Logical debaters are needed.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:10 am
by Mr. Oragahn
Khas wrote:We've got ICSers and Fivers pouring in! Logical debaters are needed.
Unless they have something original... are we just supposed to provide links to here, copy entire walls of text and hope they won't get ignored?

Fivers? They can't even read their damn books properly. Admittedly, they're poorly written, but still...

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:25 am
by Khas
Well, a lot of it is old stuff, but you should check out some of the things "Vice" has posted.

As for the Fivers, some of them seem to believe Brian's video.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:03 am
by Mike DiCenso
I agree with Mr. Oragahn. But I'll go one better... why not send them over to here to debate for real rather than form a "me too" club over there?

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:11 am
by Khas
Because they don't seem like the type. And do we really want another SWST coming over here? Besides, it's not like you can get banned for disagreeing with the admins on ASVS, as opposed to some other boards.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:38 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
I'd be curious about the Fivers' claims. It's only recently, at SBC, that I saw someone pick the usual gigaton shadow skin reference and actually go through it for what it said, which is dramatically different than the usual "gigatons detonated on Galen's face" idea.
Same goes with the battlecrab that supposedly took the blunt of that same explosion and survived. The problem being that said ship wasn't in the cave but outside, noticed by the fact that Galen walked on the surface as the ground precisely caved in after the blast.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:20 am
by Mike DiCenso
Khas wrote:Because they don't seem like the type. And do we really want another SWST coming over here? Besides, it's not like you can get banned for disagreeing with the admins on ASVS, as opposed to some other boards.
If what you're saying is true, then why the heck would I want to go over there and debate with a bunch of SWST clones?

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:20 pm
by Khas
Okay, SWST was a bad analogy, as I was pretty tired when I wrote that, but he was the first example that came to mind. And they haven't really acted like SWST.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:06 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
Hello 2002!!!

Why fucking waste time with someone who just cannot use his eyes properly. I'll just have to assume he's intellectually impaired. I complained that SWST kept rebooting points. BY makes you fly a full decade back into the past!
All of his shit is already debunked here. Dish? We even corrected ourselves and admitting it wasn't destroyed. Asteroid scaling? There's no way to nitpick. Self exploding asteroids? Only butthurt SW fanbois aren't willing to see it for themselves. Slave-I vaporizing asteroids? Hahahahahahaha. X-wings strafing the death star... matter/energy based weapons hit metal and make sparkles and smoke through age old VFX = kilotons (volume of gas blabla). LOLTWICE!!! The tower the X-wgins strafe that's a large building/small skyscraper? Lucky that we have a turbolaser tower not too far from it to be compared against. Oh boy it's actually barely twice the height of that turbolaser tower and just as narrow.
See those pictures to get the size of a TLT: ... r_dst1.jpg (although the tower model is more elaborate than the simple one on the DS surface, the dimensions are about right) ... olaser.jpg (see the handbars ?)
Large building?
As his claim that it's the last bolt that did all the damage, it's complete podunk. Not only ALL bolts have already landed and done shit, but the last impact is nowhere close to where the explosion originated from (the base of the tower's right wall). The tower's demise is a typical hollywood explosion following a barrage. You won't find a single bolt causing a massive boom where all its former friends only did flash. So no, BY, a single bolt ain't capable of leveling an hotel or other large buildings.
For the rest of his silly claims, we have the older thread in that subforum to look at.
You think I'm going to waste my time on that shit, really?

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:56 am
by Khas
I thought maybe you'd be enticed by an offer to pummel Saxtonites on another site without fear of being banned. My mistake.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:19 pm
by Mr. Oragahn
Khas wrote:I thought maybe you'd be enticed by an offer to pummel Saxtonites on another site without fear of being banned. My mistake.
It has nothing to do with you Khas.
I thought there would be something worth it, a sign that BY could get somewhere after all these years and that we may really make a point by having the occasion to talk to someone who worked behind the scenes of the other side. But as we saw in the other threads started several months ago when he published his essays and then later on his new website's videos: it's in fact totally useless. The "errors" he's guilty of could easily be corrected if he'd deign applying a nut of honesty, intelligence and objectivity to his opinions, and stop being that lazy ass he comes across as (and yet goes the length making videos and a whole new website!). Everything he says, be it on Stargate or Star Wars (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) - and I can't bother talking about Trek since I don't know that universe that well - is near 100% nonsense. It's quite a performance there!
There's no excuse today. You can have all videos, all screen capture and frame by frame tools in the world, it does not matter. He keeps pushing forth the same drivel. His eyes literally see things that are simply not there. There's not much fun to be had with that kind of person.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:51 am
by Khas
So, all you're going to do is sit behind walls and point out the flaws in people's arguments without actually engaging them? While it's understandable for a site like Spacebattles or SDN, where disagreeing with the party line will get you thrown out, on ASVS, there IS NO PARTY LINE! You can't get banned for disagreeing with an Admin in a debate. Are you really going to stay here and let history repeat itself, let ASVS become a Saxtonite haven, SDN 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:19 am
by Mr. Oragahn
Khas wrote:So, all you're going to do is sit behind walls and point out the flaws in people's arguments without actually engaging them?
I'm not behind walls. My posts are all public, and I have no issue if BY decides to reply on his website or at ASVS. I won't ignore him. I'll, first, simply point to posts I already wrote here and elsewhere, until I spot something truly original coming from him. In this case, there will be some real logos.
While it's understandable for a site like Spacebattles or SDN, where disagreeing with the party line will get you thrown out, on ASVS, there IS NO PARTY LINE! You can't get banned for disagreeing with an Admin in a debate. Are you really going to stay here and let history repeat itself, let ASVS become a Saxtonite haven, SDN 2: Electric Boogaloo?
It's not a question of being banned. Now please stop baiting me.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:49 am
by Lucky
Khas wrote:We've got ICSers and Fivers pouring in! Logical debaters are needed.
How is this different then how things were before? It looked most like flaming, and madness before to me.
John "Star Killer" Sheriden took out four Minbari warships with three nukes. The Blackstar was not a golden BB.

Babylon 5's(the station) weakest known weapon is rated at 200 megawatts, but every weapon is used to attack capital ships, and should be at least as capable as fighter based weapons.

The Shadows and Vorlon planet killers left survivors.

The Shadows and Vorlon war ships are threatened by 500 megaton nukes that explode some distance away.

The Vorlons need a younger race to build them a time machine.

The Shadows need younger races to implant cybernetics in to battle crab pilots.

The shadows technology seems to have been stolen from a younger race who killed themselves with living armor.

You may want to look into the Third Space invasion. The Vorlons don't do much better then the younger races they engineered to be vulnerable to psychic control.

The only magical thing in Babylon 5 that I know are the telepaths and quantum 40. That kind of puts a cap on what everything can take as far as damage.

Even if the blurry blisters are guns, Brian Young has still proven the ICS to be contradictory to G-level canon. The ICS in the case of episode 2 at least are suppose to be a visual guide to the movies.
ImageNote the page everyone seems to never read.

You may also want to ask why the ICS contradict the Empire Strikes Back. The Rebel's shield only covered a tiny area, but a two hundred gigaton weapon would have destroyed the base just be being fired at the edge of the shield.

Remember to bring up the proton cannons and various Asteroids.

100 megaton missiles being ungodly powerful weapons.

Remember the tiny clone army. 5 million new clones was a huge addition to the republic's army, and would bankrupt them.

You may want to bring up other tech books that came out at the same time as the ICS, but contradict them at every turn like "The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology". Far less eye candy then the ICS, but more information. Han Solo's blaster is a threat to warship armor, and more powerful then many blaster rifles.

Ask what a ton and watt mean in Star Wars. Why should we assume a Star Wars ton is the same as an Earth ton, and a watt was named after an Earth human named watt Just to be annoying.^_^

Remember to ask for exact quotes, and if someone is going to use the highest showing just do the same.

Re: ASVS is becoming a nuthouse

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:47 pm
by Khas
I've already mentioned the 5 million clones. And the New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology. But some of your other points I haven't, so I think I'll bring them up.