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Final showdown in Yesterday Enterpise why Klingon not cloak

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:40 am
by Jasonb
In final showdown between USS Enterprise D provide cover fire for USS Enterprise C .Klingon BOP did cloak themselves way allow upper hand against USS Enterprise D

First issue might done Klingon lot good practice. From what we know about Star Trek cloak device are power hungry and they going max power both problem were possible. Problem this argument they total depend Pircard worries Klingon try send another ambush to USS Enterprise C. USS Enterprise D something like minute charge her phaser bank next round. When USS Enterprise D easily down one had few second still enough time to take on other two. One problem argument Klingon easily took temporal rift itself. They could easily knock it out.

Second possible it was flag ship Klingon try show themselves for house. First need go into what TNG means by flag ship. Problem flagship idea first TNG meant flag ship meant the flag ship exportation. It had much do elite crew as to do with the ship itself. For that matter crew might more to do flag ship then the ship itself. You caption readly to raise Admiral you had a First officer ready Caption. Date entend only kind Starfleet. Someways the Doctor was better then him came able do everything in Star Trek Voyager that another story. Chief engineering own disable with wear to allow himself see things better must people starfleet. For that matter Chief engeering USS Enterprise D was basic chief. Would any this been true in Yesterday Enterprise timeline answer no. Enterprise D over 4 years old at the time. UFP surly build more powerful warship own right.

Third possible I at least hard Section 31 boi attack. Things back this claim. First Klingon tactics ask to blow sky high likely Pircard was try protect USS Enterprise C going charging blaze glary. USS Enterprise D by herself could destroy all three she defending USS Enterprise C. Pircard retreat likely area cloak device advance Klingon had not worked.
Riker statement they should not be so confident special after pacing we gave Archer IV. This statement suggestion very recent battle Klingon took real loses. More victory like battle Archer IV likely longer number require something 10 to 100 likely force Klingon Empire to surrender. Or at least sound like. Of course UFP easily though Klingon over confident of themselves not few battle not going to be so luckly which is how war works by the way. This must likley explain it other still let go into it.

Another possible Klingon knew USS Enterprise C try protect Klingoun outpost idea coward retreat was wrong. Klingon surival of outpost USS Enterprise C fail to save. Would likely dispeared see it has retreat. See USS Enterprise C left battle against her well Klingon very different view of UFP perhaps. Had as we all know massive impact. USS Enterprise C actions might impact Klingon Empire own right. Some Klingon own officer might disable cloak device. With amount of time going fire fights give few more days been even peace talk restarted.