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Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:01 am
by Mr. Oragahn
I'm sorry not having enough time to read all of it, lest understand that snail-diagram at all, but see that line: "US is spending too much on wars..."
With the way it's been built for decades, it can't proceed differently. Wars are the only available trick that keeps maintaining the value of dollar afloat despite the inflation spilled all over the place. This, in returns, also forces pretty much all the rest of the world to follow course and play the inflation game as well. BUT since inflation hurts capital, capital is "forced" to get its money elsewhere, faster and easier, and economical equity is not how it's done.
Rampant inflation maintains the power of the financial (and oil) moguls, be the populace of the whole world damned. They print the money, you need it. But as you're getting poorer, the only way to keep the circus going is to make crappier products, and allow massive borrowing (burrowing some would say)... which is all good for private banks since it's how they do substantial profit. Meanwhile, more and more resources are consumed that way and the whole planet becomes a junk yard. Cue: the artificial island of floating pollution. Or I could talk about the lacking recycling system for many electronics (and let's just clear this as well, recycling computers, pads and microwaves also produces a lot of pollution).

I'll try to take a look at some of the articles, although I don't see how one could make China become the enemy of the US.
They like to play big bears with their economical and military ties with neighbouring countries, but without the rest of the world, all the shit they produce couldn't be sold, and their country would go down presto.
And I never see them ever siding with Russia beyond that unconvincing bluff game they pretend being good at.
The real enemy of the US, and China, is Europe. It has a strong shared history, some easily identifiable ethnic concerns and is a major economical zone - some say the leading one. If they truly decided to become independent and act in their own best interests instead of being US' puppies, there would certainly be some serious tension rising.

In fact, that video seems to really be full of shit at times.
Take the drug war. We know it could end tomorrow if there weren't very lucrative deals made behind our backs between some services and else (see drug production rising in Afghanistan while the US is supposed to making progress in pacifying the region, like, you know, oopsie) - anyone in his sane mind would ask Afghanistan to stop producing drug, and would act fiercely, invade that country and burn the fields if they'd refuse to comply. Why? Because you can't stop traffic, but you can easily stop large scale production.
Same goes with Columbia. It's all bullshit political talk. I wouldn't mind literally nuking all those patches of forest ablaze if it were to end the production, assuming we'd live in a better world where Columbia would be the real and unique evil and still giving us the middle finger. Same goes with Afghanistan. As far as I'm concerned, any drug production is an act of war and mountains could be atomized into plains, I wouldn't cry a drop if it were to send a strong message.

This video reeks off Teletubbies leftism at its worst.

Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:28 am
by Picard ... orporation


Well, yes. US has built up huge arms industry during WW2 and Cold War, industry that employs lots of people. If government shuts most of it down, it create mass unemployment, and in end government will have revolution on its hands. Besides, true power are the corporations, not the government, and if government hurts them, they change it. So arms industry keeps running. BUT, old weapons have to be expended somewhere to make military buy new weapons. So you've got wars. It isn't just oild why US is going to Iraq.

Same happened to Germany. Arms industry got it out of sh** during Great Depression, but also forced it to expend weapons. Hence - WW2.

As for Europe... there are many problems with it. First, it is divided. Germany is only remaining economic power in Europe, and is, alongside China, only remaining world's economic superpower, according to some analysises. But Britan and France don't like it at all. As such, they continue to play old games with each other (including the old "beat Croatian onkey to make German horse hurt"). All of them want to get to Middle East (and oil) but, as in case with Lybia, they can't decide how to divide that oil - their inability to say "Germany gets X % of oil, France Y % and GB Q % of oil" is main reason why Gadafi is still in power.

Second, EU was created by capitalists, as a way to destroy nations and nationalism in Europe. One would say that left wing politicians are main enemy of international capitalism, but that is not true (unlike with left-wing economics). Left-wing politics tend to promote internationalism, which fits exactly with capitalistic plans. Nationalism, not communism, is capitalistic's greatest enemy - if we forget combination of two for the moment, which capitalists took care to make devil of using Hitler as a pawn. He wasn't true socialist, or true nationalist either. He was extremistic idiot controlled by British and French capitalists. That way, they attempted to kill two flies (more like Japanese giant hornets to them) with one strike - they succeded partially. They managed to make nationalism seem something bad (especially when combined with socialism, so you can't even say you're nationalistical socialist today, 'cause mostly everyone is going to go "OMG! NAZI! KILL HIM!" if you do) but Soviet Union emerged stronger than it was and forced them to introduce socialistic capitalism (free health care, free schools, social help for unemployed, etc.) which lasted for 45 years, until fall of USSR in 1990.

EDIT: ... re=related

Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:56 am
by Picard
SUMMARY: Central planning of production of market place consumer goods is a disaster. Market place planning of long term infrastructure needs is almost as bad, especially if funded by Congress men who need to stand for re-election before any benefits are realized. ... da-21.html

- read comments

Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:22 pm
by Picard

Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:04 pm
by Picard

Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:17 pm
by Picard ... weighs-in/
So, what happened with the ATF and subsequent F-22 Raptor programs in the 1980′s, 1990′s, and 2000′s? In a word, racketeering. In another word, corporatism. Here’s one more: corruption, as in corruption of military industrial complex (MIC) and the U.S. military procurement system. Somewhere along the line, someone (or a number of people) somewhere in the U.S. military industrial complex and military procurement system, respectively, discovered that they could accomplish a number of objectives by dragging system (including aircraft) development time out over many more years, instead of developing and fielding a finished product as quickly as possible. The private sector/contractors figured out that they could make a lot more money, squeezing hundreds of millions to billions of dollars from the Department of Defense (DoD) before ever going into production. After all the development money, the actual production contract was just a bonus, the icing on the cake, if you will. And, the public sector/military folks realized that they could safeguard or prolong careers and create a more advantageous public-sector-exit/private-sector-entry strategy for themselves. Synergy. Of course, you can apply this to pretty much all areas of current U.S. military procurement.

Source: (

Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:56 pm
by Picard

Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:53 am
by Picard
THE WAR ON DEMOCRACY ... r_embedded - the truth is free

EDIT: In Youtube video they also mention what has happened in Croatia - state-owned firms are destroyed by corporatistic-owned politicians, and then sold "for peanuts". Croatian shipbuilding industry was one of strongest in the world - until corporatism came.

Small landowners are destroyed in Croatia so that foreign corporations can take land and use it to produce fuel when oil runs out - and Slavonia is still granary of Croatia.

Re: EU, US, China, F-22, Eurofighter Typhoon and anti-stealt

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:55 pm
by Picard