
Episode II
The Original Series
Episode III
Episode IV
The Next Generation
Episode V
Deep Space 9
Episode VI
Star Wars
Star Trek
Related Reading
Power Generation TechnologyFTL Travel
STL Travel
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Back to topNavigation on Starfleet Jedi is similar to many frames-based pages, although we do not use frames. Our navigation structure is designed to let you navigate logically through articles as quickly as possible; you don't need to scroll through a list of hundreds of articles, and you don't have to click link after link to get to deeply buried articles.

Each article is assigned a coordinate. This page is in column i (the "Notes" column), row 0 (the "Introduction" row). By clicking any of the buttons to the left, you move to a different row within the same column; by clicking any of the buttons on the top, you move to a different column.

To present it graphically, the red box represents

From this page, you could click the FTL Travel button to read the Notes on FTL Travel page (column i for "Notes", row 6 for "FTL Travel"). You could also click the Star Wars button to read the Introduction page for Star Wars (column h for "Star Wars," row 0 for "Introduction").

Let's say you click on Star Wars and then FTL Travel. You'll find yourself at the article on FTL Travel in Star Wars.

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Databank links to our on-site wiki, the Starfleet Jedi Open Databank. You are welcome to contribute to this base of knowledge, or browse the existing articles on Star Trek, Star Wars, and the people and websites comparing them

Related Reading links to our links page, containing the websites we think you would be best off visiting after our page. Below this icon (on the right side of your screen) are links to other articles on the web specifically related to what the article is discussing.

Through this, we include alternative analyses, opinion pieces, and sources that will explain more about matters we only briefly touch on.

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Back to topWhen a page runs for more than one screen, you may notice little boxes with arrows in them. You'll see down arrows next to facts, like thisSee Details Button. Click on it to read more!

Back to articleWhen you click on it, you'll be brought to a more detailed explanation of what you were just reading over. This explanation will have another button beside it - this one with an upwards arrow. Click that to return to where you left off. At the bottom of the page, there may also be a link that says "Return to Top of Page." Click it to return to the top of the page.

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Instructions on how to navigate.

Click on the little image to the left to go to the website mentioned.

You can also click the "Related Reading" box on the top of this column to go to a whole list of similar websites.
